Donate to Eastie Farm

Eastie Farm is a federally registered non-profit (501c(3)) organization. Your donation is tax-deductible. Click on the button below to donate cash. You may also donate stock to Eastie Farm. Contact for details.

Your donation, no matter how much, brings healthful benefits to people:

  • $25: One family’s seedling order for a home garden
  • $100: One student in our interactive, fun, environmental engagement program for a school year
  • $500: One community event with food and music for bringing people together across linguistic, economic, and cultural boundaries
  • $1000: Provide a full season of fresh local produce to an East Boston family
  • $1000: build a raised bed for community use
  • $5000: Maintain a public school garden for a year

If you have a particular wish for how your donation should be spent (within our mission), please mention it in the memo section.

Thank you!